processor settings: 

* Account Name:  what you want to call this account.  This is just a label for distinguishing this account from others.
* API Login Id:  the API login id for the account. This is NOT the login to the web site.
* Transaction Key: the Transaction Key for the account.  This is NOT the password to the web site.
* Account Type:  either Production or Test.  Normal accounts will be Production.

API Login ID and Transaction Key are from your account.  When you create the account will give you the API Login ID and Transaction Key.  If you forget the API Login ID and Transaction Key you can recover them or generate new ones under the Account/Settings tab of the web site.

To configure an account:
1. Sign up for
2. Connect the account to your financial institution (so you get paid.)
3. Create the Center EX order processor account using the API Login Id and Transaction Key from your account.
4. View the new order processor account and copy the Notification Url.
5. Update your account on the Account/Settings tab:
a. click the Silent Post URL link.
b. paste the Notification Url into the Silent Post URL field
c. click Submit.

We strongly recommend you monitor the email associated with your account. sends sends several different kinds of important account notifications in addition to transaction notifications via email.

Special Notes:
* does not immediately settle your credit card transactions.  When accepts a transaction the transaction goes into the Unsettled Transactions list. periodically settles the unsettled list (usually at night.)  When a transaction is in the unsettled list you can Void the transaction before it is settled.  Once a transaction is settled you have to credit a refund.
* The DPM API does not support refunds so you have to log into your account to void a transaction or credit a refund.
* The DPM API does not provide fee information so the fee columns on the Orders pages will always be zero and the net columns will always be the same as the order total.

The DPM API used by Center EX does not support refunds. To refund an order:
1. log in to the web site
2. go to the Settled Transaction list
3. find the transaction you want to refund. The partner id on the Center EX order is the transaction id in
4. click the Refund button.
Updated 2/13/2023 5:55:28 PM | Heath Brewer