Center IC

Hundreds of development centers across the country use Center IC as a critical part of their operations

EDMIS Snapshot
Center IC Customer Tab

Center IC

Center IC is a client and event management system that brings the power of the Internet to your directors, management consultants and administrative staff. Center IC allows users to manage clients and counseling sessions, training events and attendees, event participation, customer appointments, mailing lists, and impact & performance metrics in an easy-to-use web interface.

Easy to Use

Center IC is staff-friendly. It has an intuitive color-coded and tabbed interface that focuses on making a counselor's work easier. At every turn, the Center IC helps counselors and staff to manage their client portfolio. Adding new customers is streamlined and prevents duplicates to keep your database streamlined. Help is contextual and always a click away on every screen.

IC Atlas on macbook and iphone
The color-coded Atlas helps you discover and explore all the different features in Center IC
EDMIS Snapshot
Sophisticated Reporting Features


Center IC features a sophisticated reporting engine that allows staff to create all kinds of reports. These scheduled reports can automatically run and e-mail themselves to pre-selected recipients. For example, you may choose to schedule monthly reports that would be delivered to you via e-mail on the first Monday of every month with the report featuring data from the previous month. Set it up once and let IC do all the work for you. The variety of reports in combination with hundreds of filters and groupings results in a very sophisticated reporting system. From client impact to counselor goals to center performance, IC delivers myriad report capabilities.

Attributable Impact

Center IC allows business development programs to leverage with local partners and capture coordinated efforts in meaningful and separable metrics. Center IC is a powerful tool for capturing economic impact including jobs created, capital formation, sales growth, various certifications and more.

Impact shown on an IC board
Impact Shown on IC Boards
EDMIS Snapshot
EDMIS Snapshot


Center IC can ensure that records meet SBA requirements, and can also be set to surpass those requirements. Center IC is fully compatible with the SBA's NEXUS (formerly EDMIS) management system, and hides the complexities of NEXUS as much as possible from staff. It features a live 'NEXUS Snapshot' that lets you see what SBA will see (using their formulas), even before you export. It also has an optional daily review process to help staff catch problems well before the end of the quarter.

Center EX

A suite of powerful tools to extend Center IC across the web to your clients, attendees, and the public. Includes Event and Counseling Registration, Credit Card payments, Email Marketing, Self-Service Client Dashboards, Surveys & Assessments, Resource Libraries, Email Integration, and more, all seamlessly presented with your own public website.

Updated 3/7/2024 5:40:42 PM | Chris Willis