Effective Location Settings

Tips for setting up Center EX locations to properly appear on the public site

In Center EX, Locations are used to identify physical locations on a map, that customers may need to visit.

A center should have at least one location for each place where counseling takes place, and one location for each location where training events occur.

Never use an incorrect location when publishing a training event, as the attendees may wind up traveling to the wrong place, which probably will not make them very happy.  If you don't see a valid location available for the location when you publish the event, ask someone to add a new location for you, or add one yourself if you have permission.  Please don't publish the event until the location is correct.

A location should be a physical address, not a mailing address or P.O. Box. 

The location title should be the name of the physical place, not the name of the events at the location.

On the map, locations will appear if they have counseling, or if they have a future published event available.  Otherwise, they will not be shown and will not clutter the map, as there is no need for the customer to travel to that location.

If you have an online event, (one that customers do not need to travel to) you could add a location called 'Online'.  By leaving the map information blank for this 'Online' location, the map will not be shown for the event.


Updated 4/13/2008 2:47:12 PM | Chris Willis