COMNAV Upload Instructions

After you have created the COMNAV XML export file in Center IC and downloaded it to your device, carefully use the following steps to upload that XML file to the SBA COMNAV site.

  1. Sign in to COMNAV -

  2. Choose Create New Client Intake
  3. Select the XML Upload Tab
  4. Select the HUB Account in the drop down
  5. Click Start Upload
  6. Click Upload Files
  7. Choose the XML file that you previously downloaded to your PC.  It will probably be in your downloads folder. The file name will include the end of the period date.
  8. Click Done. Note that this is the only indication that the file was uploaded.
  9. After you click Done, there will be no indications on the screen that you successfully loaded the file. Don't worry, it was uploaded.
  10. You will need to wait 5 to 10 minutes before the uploaded file is processed.
  11. To see if the file upload was successful, navigate to My Account on the top right menu.
  12. Choose the Related tab on your Hub account page
  13. Find the Client Intake Uploads panel
  14. Look for Status of Complete or Error, on the most recent upload, which will have the highest number.
  15. You want to see a status of Complete which means the file upload was successfully processed.
    1. You are done with the upload process if you see a Complete status. You can then review the COMNAV reports.
    2. Wait at least 15 minutes before reviewing reports, as the database is populated slowly from the uploaded data.
  16. If you see a status of Error, click on that UPLOAD... line in the list. This will take you to the Details of the file upload process.
  17. Copy the Error Details from this screen above and paste that into an email to so we can assess
Updated 3/29/2022 3:47:22 PM | Chris Willis