Setting Area, Contact, Prep and Travel, etc. with Inbox Commands

You can optionally set contact, prep, travel, area of counseling, program, and session type with each IC Inbox message you send with special Inbox Commands. IC will then remember and preset the time spent for you, so that you don't have to when you turn them into sessions.

These commands can be placed near the top or bottom of the message body.

Contact 1:15
Prep :45
Travel .75
Area 100
Program SBDC
Stype Counseling

The above example will preset the session contact as 1.25 hours, prep as 0.75 hours, and travel as .75 hours. You may use a colon for hours and minutes (1:45) or use decimal time (1.75).

Each item should be by itself on a line. Area of Counseling should be the 2-4 digit number of the area. Program should be spelled exactly, but is not case sensitive.

Stype is the session type and will accept any of: COUNSELING, CONSULTING, ADVISING, INITIAL, REPEAT, FOLLOWON, FOLLOW-ON, APPT, APPOINTMENT, MISC, MISCELLANEOUS, INFO, INFO TRANSFER, INQUIRY, INFO TXFER, INFO TX, INFOTX, CLOSE. If the session type is not possible, the choice of type will be shown when adding the session.

Updated 6/6/2020 10:06:18 AM | Chris Willis