Center Dynamics Analytics

Instant insight.

Scorecard, dashboard, scoreboard; call it whatever you want, Center Dynamics Analytics gives you the answers you need to manage your organization instantly. 

Analytics evaluates your custom metrics as of the close of business each night and presents them in whatever time period you need (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually) and on whatever fiscal boundary makes sense to you and your stakeholders (January, April, July and October fiscal years.)

Not only does analytics measure your activity, it compares your metrics against goals you set and lets you know where you stand at the Network, Center and Staff levels.  What if all the data you need for your custom metrics is not available in CenterIC?  You can load data from anywhere into an Analytics Sheet and use it as a goal or metric or part of a goal or metric and associate it with any center or staff member in CenterIC.

Part of a network level scorecard.  Each scorecard can have multiple KPIs and timeframes.

KPI View of the EE Cases KPI, each center's data is shown on a row. (Centers blanked to protect the innocent.)


Updated 9/1/2010 2:25:37 PM | Heath Brewer